
The Industry’s only Fenceless Design for Feeding Boards into a Rip Saw

Designed for the Medium and Large Shops looking for maximum yield and throughput

The Quick Rip System offers the highest yield in the market due to its fenceless design, powerful “Opti-Rip” optimizing software, and multiple moving blade technology in a few different model saws. Non straight boards are handled just as effectively as straight boards and the net result is lower raw material costs.

  • Cameron Quick Rip Infeed with Fenceless, Servo-Driven Board Positioner with Extremely High Accuracy
  • Multiple Moving Blade, Multiple Fixed Blade Setups
  • Completely Integrated Software Package
  • Automatic Movable Blade Positioning by the Cameron Software
  • 市场上最高的板收益!!!


  1. #413A – 12″ Wide (2) Moving Blade, Multiple Fixed Blade Saw
  2. #413B – 18″ Wide (3) Moving Blade, Multiple Fixed Blade HD Rip Saw
  3. #413C – 24″ Wide (4) Moving Blade, Multiple Fixed Blade HD Rip Saw

不像其他系统, the Quick Rip is fenceless and has Auto Skewing for achieving highest possible yield. Our sensors read the width, the length, and the shape of the boards. 如果板有弯曲或锥度, our software can determine if the board should be skewed for higher yield. 如果是,它会自动发生. This adds up to an additional 3% yield over systems with a fence. Quick Rips can be paired with Moving Blade Saws that come with (2), (3) or (4) Moving Blades Depending on your Cut Bill and Lumber. The Cameron Opti-Rip software is written in-house allowing changes, improvements and free upgrades to happen on a regular basis.


The Quick Rip system works as follows: An operator places the boards, 一次一个, on a servo-controlled series of the belts. The belts then accelerate the board to be processed past multiple sensors that measure the board every foot for the length and width, 以确定其完整的轮廓. 下一个, the belts accurately position the board under a series of laser lights, presenting the operator with the optimum rip combination based on the measured width.

The operator can then choose an alternate rip pattern, fine tune the positioning and/or skew the board to the angle that will result in the optimum rip. 具有可选的自动倾斜功能, this can be done automatically while the operator is loading the next board. When the operator is happy with the positioning of the board, a button is pressed and the belts then position the board in front of the rip saw where a series of pinch rollers lift the board and feed it into the saw. A major advantage to this novel method is that lumber can be skewed on the conveyor, 导致产量的增加.

Existing gang rip saw optimization systems incorporate a straight fence, usually working in conjunction with cant rollers, to position the lumber before it enters the saw. Unfortunately, this orientation is not always the proper orientation to achieve maximum yield. The Quick Rip solves this problem by using a precision servo-controlled belt system to position the lumber from the belt and feeds it into the saw, 保持它的方向.


  • 造型 & 木工店
  • 中型橱柜制造商
  • 窗口 & 门的制造商
  • 木材批发经销商


  • Current Installation 生产 Rates
    • 最小值= 3000 - 4000bd. ft. 每天
    • 最大值= 16,000 - 20,000+ bd. ft. 每天
  • 最大的生产
    • Typically Includes a Material Handling Outfeed System
    • (1)操作者加载进料
    • Outfeed Chains to Catch Rips and Cross Transfer
    • (1 – 2 ) Operators pulling Material from the Chains into Carts
    • (10 – 12+) 10 Ft. 每分钟长板数
  • (2)操作符
    • (1) Operator loading the Infeed and (1) Operator Tailing the Machine
    • (5 – 6) 10 Ft. 每分钟长板数
  • (3)操作符
    • (1)操作者加载进料 and (2)操作符 Tailing the Machine
    • (8 – 10) 10 ft. 每分钟长板数

Cameron Quick Rip Infeed

  • 木材的能力
    • 标准机器:5英尺. 最小/ 16英尺. 最大
    • Short Stock Machine: 42″ 最小/ 16英尺. 最大
  • 厚度公差
    • 12″锯片.5″
    • 14″锯片:4″
  • 最大宽度(来料)
    • 20“宽

卡梅隆#413B- Rip Saw (最常见的包装)

  • (3)伺服控制动刀片
  • 多个固定刀片
  • 锯片之间的口袋尺寸
    • (2)固定叶片间:1″
    • Between Fixed Blade and 1st Movable Blade: 1″
    • (2)活动叶片之间.875″
  • 进给速度
    • 最小:26英尺/分钟(8米/分钟)
    • 最大:180英尺/分钟(55米/分钟)
  • 电动机:
    • Arbor Motor: 60 Hp
    • 进给电机:5马力
  • Three (3) sets of anti-kickback fingers
  • (4) individual Pneumatic pressure rolls
  • Steel Double V dip chain construction with urethane inserts
  • 动力送出辊
  • 供料链自动润滑器.
  • Amp meter for monitoring arbor motor running amperage
  • Easily accessed v-belt driving saw arbor for reduced vibration and higher tolerances
  • Easy access to spindle and blades for maintenance and tooling changes



Cameron Rip软件:

  • 产量比手工喂养提高
  • 提高操作人员的安全性
  • Full 生产 Tracking that includes:
    • 生产记录
    • Rough Lumber tracking by length and Yield
  • Arbor Optimization (mainly used with large fixed arbor saws)
  • 关于木材包的捆绑报告
  • Simulation capabilities to simulate jobs before the wood ever hits the infeed
  • Product Value Decisions: software can choose rip widths based on which rips are more profitable for your company.

Cameron Rip系统的好处:

  1. 屡获殊荣的支持.
  2. Software for both the Infeed and Gang Saw is written in house in Poughkeepsie, NY
  3. Industry leading features with the Auto-Skew and Over/Under design.
  4. Powerful Software to help improve your business and make you more profitable.
  5. Significant Yield Increases that go directly to the Bottom Line by decreasing Lumber Bills and Improving Productivity

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